Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: PBS Evolution Video

DarwinVideoCoverThese questions follow the NOVA video Darwin’s Dangerous Idea from the PBS Evolution series. There is a printable worksheet and answer key available in both .doc and .pdf formats. For more information about the film visit the website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/darwin/
The video is 2 hours long and is available through the PBS store or your library

I like to use this video near the beginning of our study of Evolution. In addition to discussing Evolution, the following topics become good discussions with this video:
What scientists do – the fact that in science your success is measured by what you can publish in scientific journals, and funding for your work is provided based on both your past work and your ideas
How the field of science has changed since the 1850s
The influence of religion on society and on scientific debate in that time period

Brief summary of the video:
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea takes us back in time to Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle and his work and life upon his return from that journey. It shows us about his struggle to come to terms with his findings and his fear about how to present them. The video is long but in addition to documentary-style interviews and imagery there is a fictional depiction of Darwin’s life that brings the film together.

If you would like to use my video worksheet it is available at my TPT Store: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Darwins-Dangerous-Idea-PBS-Evolution-Video-Worksheet


What do you think? Can you use this in your classroom?