Hello world!

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.comThe typical first blog post title!  What shall I say?  Why am I doing this?  I have been a high school science teacher for 12 years and have had the pleasure of teaching in many different subject areas in that time.  I find that I like to have variety in my day! So I will use this blog to share materials that I’ve created in an attempt to organize my own thoughts, and I would like to make sense of my extensive list of bookmarks by creating some lists of resources in different topic areas as well.

I am not a teaching guru or an expert in STEM but I know that a lot of us are searching for ways to improve and I have the following goals in mind:

  • Increase student enthusiasm and achievement in STEM topic areas.  We want them to choose this as a career!
  • Help other teachers by providing some resources, ideas, and hopefully inspiration for those days when you just need something fun to do with photosynthesis!

One thing that I have to offer my students is enthusiasm for the topics that we are studying.  In my opinion that is the greatest motivator for my students to achieve.  Please explore the site and let me know what you are hoping to find by commenting below.

What do you think? Can you use this in your classroom?